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Seasons Calculator – Pacific Beach Equinoxes and Solstices Times

United States
Pacific Beach
Lat / Lon:
47° 12 N 47° 12 E
Summer     June Solstice
Sun, 22nd Sep 2024 05:43 PDT (Autumn)
Tue, 19th Mar 2024 20:06 PDT
Sat, 06 Jul 2024 -25200 PDT
-07:00 UTC/GMT
United States

United States, Pacific Beach Seasons Times

Find out the Equinox and Solstice Season time & date. The online calculator determines the time and date foe summer and winter Solstice and spring and autumn Equinox. Graph presents the Solstice and Equinox time and dates with time zones for cities throughout the year. Seasons go through a continuous change throughout the entire year.

Seasonal changes also vary as per cities. Pacific Beach, United States has a seasonal variety whereas other cities might not be rich in seasonal variety. The seasonal variation is dependent upon the position of Erath in relation to the Sun.














Pacific Beach, United States Seasons Times (2011-2020)

Year March EquinoxJune SolsticeSeptember EquinoxDecember Solstice
2011 20 Mar16:20 PDT21 Jun10:16 PDT23 Sep02:04 PDT21 Dec21:30 PST
2012 19 Mar22:14 PDT20 Jun16:08 PDT22 Sep07:49 PDT21 Dec03:11 PST
2013 20 Mar04:01 PDT20 Jun22:03 PDT22 Sep13:43 PDT21 Dec09:11 PST
2014 20 Mar09:56 PDT21 Jun03:51 PDT22 Sep19:29 PDT21 Dec15:03 PST
2015 20 Mar15:45 PDT21 Jun09:37 PDT23 Sep01:20 PDT21 Dec20:48 PST
2016 19 Mar21:30 PDT20 Jun15:34 PDT22 Sep07:21 PDT21 Dec02:44 PST
2017 20 Mar03:28 PDT20 Jun21:24 PDT22 Sep13:01 PDT21 Dec08:28 PST
2018 20 Mar09:15 PDT21 Jun03:07 PDT22 Sep18:54 PDT21 Dec14:22 PST
2019 20 Mar14:58 PDT21 Jun08:54 PDT23 Sep00:49 PDT21 Dec20:19 PST
2020 19 Mar20:49 PDT20 Jun14:43 PDT22 Sep06:30 PDT21 Dec02:02 PST
All times and dates are local time based on the Gregorian calendar and auto adjustments for Daylight Saving Time when applicable.

What does the astronomical calculator tell us?

The astronomical calculator guides us on various aspects regarding the seasonal impact on a city. This includes the following;

  • The lasting time of summer
  • The duration of winter and autumn
  • Time period of winter
  • The time and date of March Equinox
  • The time and date of September Equinox
  • The time and date of December Solstice

The seasons Solstices( Summer & Winter) and Equinoxes (Spring & Autumn) times and dates calculator for Pacific Beach, United States. Astronomical seasons March Equinox, September Equinox, June Solstice, and December Solstice Times and daylight saving time is auto adjustment if applicable.Graph is showing Solstices and Equinoxes times with time zones for round a calendar year.


How seasons change in cities?

The tilting of Earth brings changes in seasons in its different parts. Some parts receive direct rays of Sun while others receive less. Therefore, depending upon the position of the Sun, cities experience seasonal variations.

Do the seasons vary from city to city in the same country?

A country’s seasonal variety is almost the same for its cities but the intensity and level of change vary as per its location.

Which factors affect the seasonal change in cities?

The cities of the same country might face a differing level of seasonal change. The factors affecting the intensity include the presence of hills, sea, desert, etc.

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